What Episode Does Chowder Say I Have a Need to Feed
"Chowder Grows Up" is the 17th episode of season 3 of Chowder and the 93rd episode overall. It is the series finale of the series itself and it aired on August 7, 2010.
Twenty years in the future, Chowder still has refused to grow up. He must accept the responsibility of training his own apprentice or everyone he loves will be unable to move on with their lives.
Chowder, Mung Daal, Shnitzel and Truffles are making some Flam-O-Burgers. Mung tells Chowder that when two are touched together "Kablooey!" it explodes the kitchen. Chowder doesn't listen and when he is about to put them together, Mung stops him and reminds him.
Mung tries to tell him how to make them, although Chowder doesn't listen because he "is so bored." Chowder then starts looking at two of the Flam-O-Burgers and imagining them getting married and everybody screams (except Truffles) after Chowder says "You may kiss the Flam-O-Burger!" and touches two of the Flam-O-Burgers together. The whole kitchen explodes, and Chowder and Mung float up in the sky and land into the hospital in the middle of the night, with bruises and scratches.
Mung tells Chowder that he needs to be more mature and responsible as a chef--Mung notes that he and Truffles will retire eventually and that he needs to know that Chowder will be able to step up and take over the catering company when the time comes. Chowder suddenly appears in a nurse's outfit and reminds Mung that the point of the show is Chowder being Mung's apprentice. Chowder eventually goes into a musical number "I Don't Wanna Grow Up." He holds the last note for twenty long years, which he never noticed. Then Chowder asks Mung if they're going to finish the Flam-O-Burgers, and Mung explains that they've already did that twenty years ago.
Mung explains to Chowder that he was too busy singing to notice that time had passed and reveals that the day he had told Chowder about all those years ago has finally come: he and Truffles are getting ready to retire and Chowder has to get to ready to finally take over the catering company. Mung also explains that, because of Chowder's refusal to grow up, he's greatly affected the lives of those around him (even taking him flying to show him, since "anything's possible in these 30-minute specials"):
- Schnitzel married Endive, since she'll listen to him complain about Chowder with open arms.
- Panini's stuck in limbo, waiting to get married to Chowder and start a family with him. As a result, she takes it out on her apprentice, Ambrosia, by dressing her up like a baby and treating her like one.
- Gorgonzola, who's the extremely successful CEO of a candle company, considers his success to be a hollow victory since he doesn't have a nemesis (specifically Chowder) to brag about it to. Similar to Panini, Gorgonzola forces his own apprentice, Kabob, to dress up like Chowder and takes it out on him.
- Then, Mung takes him to Gazpacho's store, which has closed down. A recorder plays a pre-recorded message in which Gazpacho tells about his future (which he actually just made up): he has become a successful ninja and finally gotten to date girls.
Using Gazpacho as his inspiration, Chowder makes an effort to grow up, with the first thing being to choose his own apprentice -- he ultimately chooses a timid young box turtle that he names "Scraps." Mung then tells Chowder that he is ready to grow up. Then Scraps throws up (vomits) in his box and the part ends with Mung saying, "No, I said grow up, not throw up." Unfortunately, when Chowder tries teaching Scraps how to cook, he ultimately fails and the two end up fleeing Marzipan City, ending with getting lost in the raging hot Shmahara Dessert, with no water or food, causing the two to faint.
However, Gazpacho finds them and takes them back to what he calls his 'Man Cave'. They come to, and Chowder is surprised to learn that Gazpacho actually wasn't successful: his mother wanted him to get a 'real job' like accounting, but since Gazpacho had trouble with math and was suffering from boredom, he failed and hid. Gazpacho wants to eat Scraps, but Chowder stops him. Gazpacho then asks Chowder to live in his Man Cave with him because he's lonely. Chowder doesn't, but instead just camps out with Gazpacho for the night. During this camp-out, Gazpacho tells Chowder that his real dream was to open a stand up comedy show/fruit stand (called the 'Fruit Stand-Up'). Chowder asks why he didn't do it, because it was the best idea Gazpacho has had to him. Gazpacho said that his mother told him growing up is about what's expected of you, not what you want to do. Chowder then says that maybe Gazpacho's mother is wrong, and convinces Gazpacho to feel the same way. Gazpacho then asks Chowder why he's running away- he says Chowder was "built to cook." Scraps joins in and says that Chowder has made cooking fun. For the first time in his life, he isn't scared. Gazpacho wonders who Scraps is and again asks if he can eat him. Chowder introduces Scraps, then states that he is his master and that they are now going to cook a dish together before the night is done. Chowder and Scraps then head back to Marzipan.
Chowder, now back in Marzipan City, makes up a recipe with Scraps. The other characters are appalled at this, but Scraps stands up for Chowder and tells them that they should at least give the dish chance -- Scraps takes a bite of the dish himself and shocks the others when he doesn't die after eating it. Scraps uses this as a way to convince the others to give Chowder's dish a chance, which they do -- they realize that, despite its appearance, Chowder's Big Mess Cake (as Chowder decides to call it), that looks like a pile of crap on a platter, actually does taste really good, doesn't give him diarrhea or kill him and Mung suggest that Chowder should make it his signature dish when he takes over the company.
The episode ends to reveal the other character's futures:
- Mung and Truffles are happily retired.
- Schnitzel starts to like being married to Ms. Endive, Endive welcomes him with open arms as she listens him complaining about Chowder.
- Gazpacho starts doing stand up at his new job just like in Gazpacho Stands Up.
- Gorgonzola gets to show Chowder just how successful he is to try to make Chowder jealous -- though this ends up failing.
- Chowder takes over the Catering company with Scraps as his apprentice. Chowder and Panini finally get married and they end up having 50 children together
At the end, just as Adult Chowder and Adult Panini are about to kiss, Kid Chowder appears and says that he "rejects this future." Kid Panini shows up and tells Kid Chowder that they look so happy together as adults and starts chasing after him, with Adult Chowder noting how cute he and Adult Panini were as kids. After Scraps gets carried off by their babies, Adult Chowder chases after them to save Scraps. Then, the book that opens in each episode closes for the final time.
International premieres
- Poland (25 June 2010)
- America, Italy, Turkey, & Greece (7 August 2010)
- UK & Ireland (18 September 2010)
- Latin America (11 November 2010)
- Japan (15 June 2013)
- This episode wasn't originally intended to be the series finale; it was in development before Cartoon Network relayed the news of Chowder being cancelled.
- The reason could be that this episode was the penultimate episode produced.
- The other reason was because C.H. Greenblatt was running out of ideas on what to do with episodes for the series.
- Chowder was also cancelled in favor of Destroy Build Destroy and other like shows during the "CN Real" era, as they felt it didn't fit their older boy demographic.
- C.H Greenblatt has said on his Tumblr he had always wanted to jump forward in time to these character's futures ala Dragon Ball Z, and this episode was merely meant to be a taste of that. Sadly, the show ended before he got the chance.
- The events of this episode were implied to never have happened during the episode's puppet sequence, with Chowder implying that the whole was just a dream.
- According to the creator, he said he didn't have this particular episode in mind when thinking about their futures, but always wanted to jump ahead forward in time. Possibly meaning the events in the episode itself didn't happen, but the futures shown in it did.
- This episode partially references A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life when Mung flies Chowder over Marzipan City and shows him how his friends have become lonely due to him not growing up.
- The flying sequence could also be a reference to the Disney movie Peter Pan, as when Mung is flying, he is wearing a hat similar to the title character's hat in the same movie.
- The episode's first broadcast was on June 25, 2010 in Poland.
- Some of the main cast reprises their roles while it takes place 20 years into the future.
- Ceviche did not appear in this episode, although his actor voiced Scraps in this episode.
- Additionally, although Ceviche never appeared in this episode, Ceviche was confirmed to have married Marmalade (though a part of him still has feelings for Panini), became a dancing master, and found an apprentice named Tartar.[1]
- When Gazpacho was in the Dessert, he was dressed similarly to a Tusken Raider from Star Wars.
- Chowder and Panini having 50 babies is a reference to a rabbit's huge reproduction rate (since both parents are partial rabbits in their species).[2]
- The song that Chowder sings near the beginning of the episode, "I Don't Wanna Grow Up", is a parody of the Toys 'R' Us jingle from the 1980s and '90s.
- It could also be a reference to the song "I Won't Grow Up" from Disney's Peter Pan.
- This is the only episode of Chowder to air during the Cartoon Network CHECK it era.
- The show's creator, C.H. Greenblat, provided the voice for adult Chowder as the character is actually starting to "grow up".
- After aging 20 years, Mung is missing the remaining hair on the top of his head, but when he finally retires, his hair is there again.
"Um, hello?"
"Ha, Now im taller than you."
"Win what?"
"Oh, Hi new babies"
"Hi, Daddy!"
Shnitzel married with Endive.
"Why did the tomato turn red? OOH! Because it saw the salad dressing!"
"Babies, put Scraps down!"
"Oh, Num Nums, I'm taking our 50 babies out for a walky walk."
Young Chowder and Panini had been revealed
- ↑ http://chgreenblatt.tumblr.com/post/114500523397/helloi-really-want-to-knowwhat-was-ceviche-doing
- ↑ http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExplosiveBreeder
v • e List of episodes | |
Season 1 | The Froggy Apple Crumple Thumpkin • Chowder's Girlfriend • Burple Nurples • Shnitzel Makes a Deposit • Grubble Gum • The Cinnamini Monster • Certifrycation Class • The Sing Beans • The Wrong Address • The Wrong Customer • Mahjongg Night • Stinky Love • The Thrice Cream Man • The Flibber Flabber Diet • Gazpacho Stands Up • A Taste of Marzipan • The Puckerberry Overlords • The Elemelons • At Your Service • Chowder and Mr. Fugu • The Vacation • The Sleep Eater • Sniffleball • Mung on the Rocks • The Heavy Sleeper • The Moldy Touch • The Bruised Bluenana • Shnitzel and the Lead Farfel • The Thousand Pound Cake • The Rat Sandwich • Chowder Loses His Hat • Brain Grub • Shnitzel Quits • The Broken Part • The Meach Harvest • Banned from the Stand • Créme Puff Hands • The Apprentice Games |
Season 2 | The Arborians • The Garage Sale • Panini for President • Chowder's Babysitter • The Fire Breather • The Flying Flinger Lingons • Hey, Hey It's Knishmas! • Chowder's Catering Company • The Catch Phrase • The Hot Date • Shopping Spree • The Party Cruise • Won Ton Bombs • The Big Hat Biddies • The Deadly Maze • Kid Shnitzel • Gazpacho Fights Back • The BLT's • The Trouble with Truffles • The Dinner Theater • Big Ball • The Brain Freeze • The Snail Car • The Lollistops • Endive's Dirty Secret • Big Food • Paint the Town • The Blackout • The Dice Cycle • The Chain Recipe • The Garden • Sheboodles • Gazpacho Moves In • My Big Fat Stinky Wedding • Apprentice Appreciation Day • The Grape Worm • A Faire to Remember • Tofu Town Showdown |
Season 3 | Hands on a Big Mixer • The Blast Raz • The Spookiest House in Marzipan • The Poultry Geist • The Apprentice Scouts • The Belgian Waffle Slobber-Barker • A Little Bit of Pizzazz! • The Birthday Suits • The Heist • The Prank • Old Man Thyme • Chowder's Magazine • Weekend at Shnitzel's • Taste Buds • Gazpacho! • The Toots • Chowder Grows Up |
Source: https://chowder.fandom.com/wiki/Chowder_Grows_Up
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